Transeuropa Open Ludwigshafen am Rhein

My LU-Love for EUrope

Zentralbibliothek Ludwigshafen


Be part of a transnational Ludwigshafen of common development and create with us a city of change in 2017. Celebrate with us a transnational festival of arts, culture and politics. Debate current political challenges with other young adults. We invite you to spread out your visions and address your opinion to local politicians by attending our workshops and outside event.

Workshop 1: Create my LU- Love for EUrope
This media-workshop will assist you in materialising your position statement towards local politicians and offers possibilities to exchange ideas with further participants.
Prove your skills in creating trailer, scenes and a short movie.

Workshop 2: Speak up my LU- Love for EUrope
This debate- workshop will empower you to debate with your opponent will discus by using stylistic elements, rhetorical device maybe rap to convince your opponent

Workshop 3: Exchange my LU- Love for EUrope
What does Europe mean to you? How can you experience a vivid exchange with other Europeans and share your impressions with your local community.
Get peer-to- peer with EuroPeers and be updated for your first exchange within Europe.
Outside event: Spray my Lu- Love for EUrope:
Is a graffiti-workshop to lern how to use your creativity by creating a artwork for Europe and to share your creative skills with the general public.